Cecelia Gruenwald
CC & Ted

Cecelia Gruenwald

Perryville, Missouri

Back in 1967 . . .

‘CC’ completed college at CTC, was called to Pittsburgh, PA, and taught in an inner city school for one year. Marriage the next summer brought her to Cleveland where she taught another year at Parma. Presently she is teaching in a public school across the street. She and Ted are living in a mobile home and have one dependant, a cat named ‘Mao.’

Ted is finishing his art major, with plans to teach secondare art. As for future plans, she writes, “I’ll teach till I have lots of money, so hard telling what the future holds. Anyone interested in corresponding – I would love to hear from you. Let’s get the ball rolling again, girls. I’ll sure try to keep up my end.”

In 2010. . .

Parker, Florida

I have been putting this off as it requires memory, and like the computer, my mind is too full and contains many errors. I’ll try. I can’t wait to read what you all have written.

I know you probably feel like I do. When I/you look back at the guidance that God has given us over the years, we are awed by his grace and goodness.
I truly wish I could relate all the wonderful stories of each of the places where I have taught, but I know I would put you to sleep even more quickly than this hopefully short history will.

Here goes!

After the four years at CTC, I received my first call to St. Matthew’s in Pittsburgh,PA, where I taught grades 1-3 in the basement of the church. Will Kromphardt was principal and taught 4-6. I wonder if any such situations still exist? I had a one room apartment and rode the streetcar or drove my ’58 VW through the narrow streets of the Southside.

I loved living the single life, but Ted Richter changed all that. We married after that first year, and we resided in Cleveland, OH, where I taught one year at Bethany in Parma and the next year in Olmsted Falls in a public school.
Ted then received a call to be art/ mechanical arts teacher and football/wrestling coach at a new Lutheran high school in Greendale, WI. I landed a job in the Greendale Public Schools and for the next 14 years, I taught on and off, had two boys (Matthew and Jonathan) and developed Crohn’s Disease for which I had several surgeries.

During those 14 years, Ted developed a “talk” that used the potter’s wheel and the biblical references to God using potters/pottery. Each talk brought him closer to the decision of becoming a parish minister. That meant packing our belongings and family, quitting jobs and generally placing our trust in God that he would take care of us in St. Louis and that Ted would be able to prepare at the Seminary. He did. During those two years, I taught at Immanual Lutheran in Olivette.

Ted’s first call was Greenville, MS where I taught at Greenville Christian School. If you have connections with the South, you will understand this: We were known as “Reds in the Sheds” – translation-rednecks in portables. I taught large classes with heavy doses of Southern Bible Belt curriculum. I loved Greenville, the last southern holdout.

Ted was then called to Palm Coast, FL, to begin a mission church. It began with 6 families and now has more than 300 members. I took a job for Volusia Couuty Public Schools(Daytona Beach) and taught in Seville, a very small town on the edge of the county. We had one class per grade and still rang the school bell with a rope in a tower. Loved the school, children, and the community,

Another call and another move! This time to Dothan, AL, and a completely new teaching situation. I was asked to begin an ESL program for a local community college, and for ten years, I built the program, taught GED classes, and taught adjunct English classes for the college. The job enabled me to meet and make friends from all over the world.

I loved teaching adults, but as I saw my teaching years wind down, I decided to return to FL, return to children, and return to full time teaching, I took a job 17 miles over the AL border in Gracevile, FL, at the elementary school where I taught ESE. I loved those children with a special love. I retired in ’08 after being there for three years.

Can you believe, I have followed that Ted Richter around all these years? God certainly has blessed me with many opportunities as we chased around the mid-country. We are now living in Panama City (Parker), FL, in another renovated home(after all the renovating over the years, I am surprised we are still married as some of you may identify with). I am happy to have room for flower and vegetable gardens, orchard, pool, spa, and room for other crafts(soap making and sewing). Reading has been a life long passion and I am part of several book clubs or reading groups. I work at our church’s thrift shop several times a week and other projects I find which might be a ministry for God.

Who knows what the future holds; Maybe volunteering at schools, working at a nursery(plants), fostering cats(Yes, we have 4.), writing essays for a memoir, traveling, developing an ESL class at church…?

Son Matthew is a chiropractor in Santa Anna and Corona, CA, and has 3 step children and 2 biological. Matt and Aurora live in Corona.

Son Jonathan and Veronica live in Nashville and have 2 boys and 1 girl. Jon is an animator/illustrator whose work can be seen on www.jonathanrichter.com


Situps in the upstairs hall, sunbathing, wash hanging on the clothesline, front porch kisses, and giggling at devotions in the Hillcrest Dorm. Iceskating on the park pond. Cafeteria food and races for the milk on the napkin holder. Who put paper napkins in the glasses just to see the fellows run?

I am so looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing your stories in person. God willing, 2011!


Ted Goes to Heaven

Rev. Ted Richter went to heaven in November 2015.  CC is now living near her son Matt in California.